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Welcome to the VI Asia Pacific Conference of Masonic Grand Lodges

Santiago, Chile October 11th – 15th, 2023

The Grand Lodge of Chile will host the VI Asia Pacific Conference of Masonic Grand Lodges, that will take place in the city of Santiago, Chile, between Wednesday October 11th and Sunday October 15th.

The Most Worshipful Brother, Sebastián Jans Pérez, Grand Master, has the pleasure to invite Most Worshipful Grand Masters or his representatives from the Asia Pacific Region and Grand Masters and Brothers from the Interamerican Masonic Confederation (CMI) to attend this Conference and join in fellowship in order to strengthen cooperation ties and exchange topics relevant for the future of Masonry,the role of Masons in society and how to attract and integrate younger generations into the Order.

During the Conference we will also invite all Brothers to share points of view and discuss about the challenges we face and the way in which we can contribute to the global agenda in topics such as climate change, energy, human development, security, and education among others.

Hotel Reservations

You can access a special rate for a stay at the Marriot Santiago hotel for this event directly at the link below

Hotel Reservations


If you have doubts or questions you can send an email to grancanciller@gllc.com

Date & Time
October 11, 2023
Start - 10:00 AM
October 15, 2023
End - 5:00 PM America/Santiago

[] Sheraton Santiago Hotel

Av. Santa María 1742 Hotel Sheraton
Santiago de Chile
--[] Sheraton Santiago Hotel--
Get the direction

[] Gran Logia de Chile


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